A Guide to Energy Efficient Windows
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A Guide to Energy Efficient Windows

Hi Friends… it’s Gus!
Choosing the right type of windows is like picking the perfect outfit for your home—it can make all the difference in your confidence, comfort and style. Not only can the right windows keep your house cozy in the winter and cool in the summer, but they also play a big role in making your home energy-efficient.

But let’s face it, not everyone is a window wizard. Don’t worry! I will walk you through the basics of choosing energy-efficient windows to make your home more comfortable and your energy bills less scary.

What Are Energy-Efficient Windows?

Think of energy-efficient windows as your home’s sunglasses. They help maintain a consistent indoor temperature by either soaking up the sun’s warmth when it’s chilly or blocking out the heat when it’s scorching (think Texas summers). These windows are designed to keep your heated or cooled air inside and manage the sun’s rays with finesse.

According to Energy.gov, your windows could be the culprits for 25% to 30% of your heating and cooling energy use.
For example:

  • In a hot climate, poorly chosen windows let in too much heat, making your air conditioner work overtime.
  • In a cold climate, poorly insulated windows let the warm air escape, causing your heater to run constantly.

Energy-efficient windows tackle these issues by keeping the heat gain or loss to a minimum.

Important Energy-Efficient Window Terms

Let’s decode some window jargon to help you make a smart choice:

Low-E Glass – Low-E (low emissivity) glass has a fancy coating that blocks infrared and ultraviolet light but still lets in natural light. This invisible, superhero-like layer helps your windows work their magic more efficiently.

Insulated Glass vs. Non-Insulated Glass – Insulated glass units, you might hear us refer to them as IGs or IGUs.  These are like a cozy sandwich, with two or three panes and a special gas filling in between, keeping the heat transfer to a minimum. Non-insulated glass, on the other hand, is like an open-faced sandwich—nowhere near as effective at keeping things insulated.

U-Factor – The U-factor measures how well a window can stop non-solar heat from sneaking through. The lower the U-factor, the better the window is at insulating. Think of it as the window’s ability to wear a winter coat.

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) – SHGC measures a window’s ability to resist solar radiation. Windows with a low SHGC are like good sunblock, great for hot climates. Windows with a high SHGC let in more solar heat, making them a cozy option for colder climates.

How to Choose the Best Energy-Efficient Windows for Your Home

Choosing the best windows for your home depends on where you live:

  • Warmer climates: Go for insulated windows with a low SHGC, a low-E coating, and a low U-factor to keep cool air in and block out the sun’s heat.  Adding tint can help keep that Texas heat out, as well.
  • Colder climates: Choose insulated windows with a higher SHGC and a low U-factor to keep warm air in and let the sun’s warmth through.

Window Energy Saving Tips

Your windows’ design is only part of the story. Here are some extra tricks to boost their efficiency:

Interior Treatments – Curtains and blinds are like stylish hats for your windows. Thermal curtains trap air to keep drafts out, and blinds can block or let in heat as needed.

Exterior Treatments – Outdoor accessories like shutters or awnings can help control how much heat your windows let in. Planting a tree in front of a sunny window is like giving your home a natural shade umbrella.

Window Maintenance – A little TLC goes a long way. Caulking and weather-stripping can seal drafts, and fixing broken panes (especially on double-pane windows) can make a big difference. Think of it as giving your windows a spa day.

Still aren’t sure what window will be best for your home? No worries, our window consultants can answer all your questions.  Just give us a call at 817-279-1066 to schedule your free, in-home consultation.

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