How to Tell If Your Windows Need Replacing
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How to Tell If Your Windows Need Replacing (Hint: It’s Not Just the Summer Heat!)

Hi Friends….. Gus here!  As we bask in the glory of summer, with longer days and warmer nights (actually, hotter nights in Texas), it’s the perfect time to think about our homes and how they’re handling the heat. While you might be focused on outdoor barbecues and beach trips, have you given any thought to your windows lately? They do more than just frame that lovely summer view—they play a crucial role in keeping your home comfortable.

If you’re wondering whether it might be time to replace your windows, here’s a fun, summer-focused checklist to help you decide. Let’s see if your windows are up to the summer challenge!

1. Unwanted Heat Waves

Is your AC working overtime while your home still feels like a sauna? If your windows are letting in more heat than a sunbaked sidewalk, they might need an upgrade to help keep things cool inside. Properly insulated windows are your best friends when it comes to beating the summer heat.

2. Persistent Pests

Are flies, mosquitoes, or other creepy crawlies finding their way inside despite your best efforts? Faulty seals and gaps in old windows and screens can turn your home into an insect hotel. Yuck! Good windows should keep the bugs out and the cool air in.

3. Sticky Situations

Trying to open your windows for a refreshing summer breeze but finding them stuck like last year’s beach towel in storage? Windows should open smoothly so you can let that glorious summer air in without a struggle. If yours are more of a workout than a window, it might be time for new ones.

4. Rattling in the Breeze

Do your windows rattle every time a summer storm rolls in or even with a gentle breeze? This isn’t a campfire ghost story—your windows should stay snug and quiet, even during those sudden summer thunderstorms.

5. Foggy Views

Are your double-paned windows fogging up like a cold drink on a hot day? This fog inside the glass means the seal is broken, and they’re not insulating properly anymore. Clear views and good insulation go hand in hand.

6. Skyrocketing Energy Bills

Are your energy bills as high as the summer temperatures? Good windows should help keep your home cool without making your wallet sweat. If your bills are climbing faster than the mercury, it might be time to consider new windows.

7. Outdated Style

Are your windows still sporting a look from the disco era? Updating your windows can give your home a fresh, modern feel just in time for those summer barbecues and get-togethers. Plus, stylish new windows can enhance your home’s curb appeal.

If you’ve found yourself nodding along to any of these points, it might be time to consider new windows.  New windows can make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient year-round.  So, take a moment, give your windows a little attention, and see if they’re ready for a summer upgrade. Your home (and your wallet) will thank you!

Granbury Door and Window is happy to have one of our Consultants come out to discuss options based on your needs and budget.  Give our office a call at 817-279-1066 to schedule your free estimate appointment, today!

Enjoy the sunshine and happy window shopping!

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